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Magento 2 integration

How to link your Magento 2 shop with DragDropr

Aleks avatar
Written by Aleks
Updated over a week ago
  1. Choose the installation method.


   1.1 Using Module Manager from the Magento Admin.

        1.1.1 Log into your Magento 2 admin area.

        1.1.2 Then, follow the steps described here:


   1.2 Downloading and pasting method.

        1.2.1 Press "Download" to download a module zip file.

        1.2.2 Connect to your server via FTP or SSH.

        1.2.3 Change your directoy to your magento 2 root.

        1.2.4 Create folder "DragDropr" under <magento2-root>/app/code

        1.2.5 Create folder "Magento2" under <magento2-root>/app/code/DragDropr

        1.2.6 extract the module zip file in the folder <magento2-root>/app/code/DragDropr/Magento2

        1.2.7 Connect to your server via SSH.

        1.2.8 Execute the following commands:

   change directory to your magento 2 root folder - cd <magento2-root>

   enable maintenance mode - php bin/magento maintenance:enable

   enable the module - php bin/magento module:enable DragDropr_Magento2

   upgrade database with module information - php bin/magento setup:upgrade

   deploy static view file where <locale-list> is list with all the languages your store uses, for example, de_DE en_US - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy <locale-list>

   clean the cache - php bin/magento cache:clean

   disable maintenance mode - php bin/magento maintenance:disable

  1.3  Installing using a composer.

In order to install DragDropr via composer you need to have the extension "bought" in Magento Marketplace

        1.3.1 Select "Technical details" under the "Download" button.

        1.3.2 Copy "Component name".

        1.3.3 Connect to your server via SSH.

        1.3.4 Execute the following commands:

   change directory to your magento 2 root folder - cd <magento2-root>

   enable maintenance mode - php bin/magento maintenance:enable

   require the module package - composer require "<Previously copied component name>" --no-dev

   enter credentials if necessary

   enable the module - php bin/magento module:enable DragDropr_Magento2

   upgrade database with module information - php bin/magento setup:upgrade

   deploy static view file where <locale-list> is list with all the languages your store uses, for example, de_DE en_US - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy <locale-list>

   clean the cache - php bin/magento cache:clean

   disable maintenance mode - php bin/magento maintenance:disable


2. After that, log into your Magento 2 admin area.

3. Click on the "System" button on the left sidebar and select "Integrations" setting in the opened window.


4. Find DragDropr app in the existing integration list and click on "Authorize" button.


! Make sure that you have allowed Pop-ups in your Browser or disabled the Popup Blocker:

5. Click on "Allow" button to connect your DragDropr Account.  In the pop-up that appears you are able either to create a NEW DragDropr Account or sign in to your already existing one and choose the needed Project.

Now, DragDropr is integrated into Magento 2.

! If you want to remove Magento 2 integration

  • sign into your DragDropr account;

  • hover over your project;

  • click on the Trash bin button.

The integration is removed.

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